Wechat For Mac

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For those that don't like being locked into Messages, WeChat is a simple alternative and includes individual and group messaging features with text and emoticons. For group chats, you can use the Live Chat feature into which you can invite people via your own invite into the chat using QR codes. WeChat also saves your chat history so that you can search it at any time. As yet, there are no video chat or multimedia options. Although WeChat is free, it doesn't invade your chats with intrusive advertising.

Introducing our latest WeChat for Mac update – 2.1.0! Now available for download on your Mac desktop. Call and video chat your friends for free directly on your computer without missing a beat. What’s New in Version 2.1.0?

Messages style interface The interface of WeChat will be familiar to anyone that's ever used Messages. 365 Contacts are listed along the left hand side and on the right, you've got the main chat window.

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The chat window is at the bottom of the screen where you will also find a range of emoticons. The Chinese developers have clearly taken their inspiration from Messages and the overall usability is very similar.