Microsoft Word For Mac Inspect

Microsoft Word For Mac Inspect 4,4/5 6177 reviews

Download Microsoft Word Latest Version for Windows & Mac – Nobody could neglect how people have been familiar with Microsoft word which influences people’s life, especially in these hectic years. Microsoft Word is not an uncommon thing again when it comes to office matter, school matter, as well as other matter. Scrubbing metadata was simplified in the current version of Word 2016 for Mac. For instructions on how to download Office 2016, pleas review the Office 365 Article.

Lightworks. The option to Remove personal information from this file on save still is available in Word 2016. It simply was moved because it is a document-specific property, not a global Preference. You'll now find it by clicking the Protect Document button on the Review tab [or Tools> Protect Document in the main menu] The check box is at the bottom of the pane. Note, however, that it replaces the reviewer's name with 'Author' as well as removing the timestamp. BTW: Your installation of Office 3016 is at least 3 months behind on updates. The current version should be 15.31 or later.

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