How To Close All Open Tabs In Chrome For Osx

How To Close All Open Tabs In Chrome For Osx 4,6/5 7205 reviews

Processing OK. None-crazy repro I'm able to do right now on 517.8. 1) Command-n for a new tab. 2) ENTER 3) Command-w doesn't close, another Command-w does. Crazy repro: 1) Command-n for a new tab.

Wait for it to load fully. 3) Command-w clears me screen to green.

Another Command-w closes the tab. I don't think it's strictly a JavaScript problem, because I can go to a site with no JavaScript and have no problem with it.

Launch Chrome and open its Settings menu by clicking on the button in the top right-hand corner of the window. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and hit ‘Show advanced settings’. Scroll down the window once again and locate the ‘Reset settings’ menu.

Outlook for mac create group. Internal pages like about:version or about:something-else don't wedge the close. File: URLs don't wedge the close. If I disable all of my extensions, the repro stops repro-ing. But the repro continues to work (which could just indicate an onunload problem over there?). I have a 11 extensions installed, and the one which causes the to repro is 'Turn Off the Lights'. I can also repro this sequence on some other sites, but when I go to, I'm back to the double-close even with all extensions disabled.

Processing I'm really not able to repro this, now. In a debug build, tabs do take a second or two to close for some sites, but not for others. To be really clear, in my debug build off trunk, if I: 1) browse to 2) wait until the throbber is replaced by the favicon 3) hit Command-w I get a couple seconds of pause before the close.

If I do the same sequence using, there is no pause at all, the close is immediate. If I wait until the favicon has been visible for a couple seconds, the close is immediate. If I run a release build (I tried 6.0.472.63 and 7.0.517.24), the close is immediate. I no longer see the gmail-blank-screen variation on all of this. I don't know what to make of that.

It could mean that what I'm seeing today is not the same as what I was seeing the other day. If someone else is still seeing this - could you try doing a single-close, then just watching it for a long time, like 10 to 20 seconds? Perhaps with your Task Manager (wrench menu, 'Tools' submenu) open somewhere you can see it? Hmm, or even with the debug console open (Tools submenu, Developer Tools, Console icon). Processing I'm experiencing this issue on OSX Chrome 6.0.472.63 / OSX 10.6.4. It affects both using click on tab 'x' and CMD+W, and (has this been raised yet?) it doesn't appear to be significant that the two be identical. CMD+W followed by clicking tab 'x' works, as does clicking tab 'x' then using CMD+W, as does two of either.

CMD+W in one tab, then switching tabs using the mouse, then CMD+W in another tab = second tab closes. On (only) one occasion just now, I hit CMD+W, then clicked to switch tabs, and the selected tab closed (no, I didn't click 'x'). The behaviour is generally consistent, but appears to be getting less consistent as I run out of tabs to test on. Processing There's something special about GMail and Google Docs. When I click once to close a GMail or Docs tab, most of the website contents disappear. In GMail only the background color is visible after that. In Google Docs the spreadsheet disappears but the menu, toolbar, formula bar, and tab bar (without the tabs themselves) remain visible.

Connecting a git repo to visual studio for mac. The tab bar, which is normally located at the very bottom, moves up to just below the formula bar. I will attach screenshots showing the problem. It seems that after the close button is clicked a first time, part but not all of the DOM is deleted. It's not clear to me what the elements that are deleted have in common. This is consistently reproducible, at least within my current session. I have not found any other websites that manifest this same problem.

-- and Wikipedia are two of very few websites that—at least in this session—don't require me to click the close button twice. They don't require me to do this even if before loading these websites, I visit pages in the same tab that do trigger the bug.

-- Here are some other interesting differences. (i) Open (say) Facebook. Click the close button (the tab doesn't close). Open Facebook again (via bookmark or address bar). Click the close button. (ii) Open Facebook. Click the close button (it doesn't).

Open any other site. Open Facebook. In this case it doesn't close right away and I need to click the button a second time. (iii) Open Facebook. Click close button (it doesn't close). Click 'close'.

Need to click a second time. (iv) Open Gmail. Open Google Docs. It closes straight away! Here's yet another experiment: open two tabs. Click the close button of the first and then the second tab.