Why Do You Need Java For Minecraft Mac

Why Do You Need Java For Minecraft Mac 3,5/5 4132 reviews

Obviously if you’re a geek, you deserve some Minecraft–but you should still disable the Java plugin in the browser. How to Uninstall Java Entirely. Just like anything else, you need to head to Control Panel –> Uninstall Programs and uninstall it from there. Mac users must update to the Java 7 Update 13 for Mac OS X. If you are not sure you need Java, try running your PC for a few weeks to see if you can do without it.

*** See my below before continuing! *** With the release of Mac OS X Yosemite, Minecraft stopped working for anyone who has updated (or any new Yosemite users, such as a new computer purchase). Mojang is of little help so far and seems unconcerned.

( Read my update below, as Mojang finally seems to be working on a fix!) The ‘fix’ options so far are to 1) Install an old, specially modified version of Java 6 released by Apple, or 2) install the latest Java version 8 from Oracle and implement a workaround. Fortunately, the latter (a MUCH better option, IMO) is not that difficult. ( The article is long due to detail the steps are relatively easy!). Overview • Step 1 – Remove old Java • Step 2 – Install Java • Step 3 – Configure Java • Step 4 – Download Minecraft • Step 5 – Play Minecraft!

Free music studio applicatons for mac. • Step 6 (optional) – Make it pretty! • Step 7 (optional) – Play with a console controller?

• Estimated time: 10-15 minutes. Do the same under the ‘home’ (Hard Drive/Users/username/) Library folder, which Apple has hidden, making it a bit more tricky to access. When you are at Finder (ie: click on your Desktop to make it the ‘active’ app), drop-down the ‘Go’ menu and notice a ‘Library’ folder appears if you hold the ‘option’ key down (and disappears if you release it).

Select that Library folder and it should open. Same as above, check your Internet Plug-ins folder (for Java-related items) and look for a Java folder. ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/ (look for Java related items) ~/Library/ (look for Java).

I am running minecraft on 12.04 by following these steps: A. Open a terminal, and enter sudo apt-get purge openjdk* This is a 'housekeeping' step that may or may not apply to your setup. Install OpenJDK6 or OpenJDK7 from the Ubuntu Software Center. I prefer following the instructions to install minecraft found at. It neatly integrates launching the game into Unity, and it opens like any other application (so no right-clicking to run the file). Only follow the last two steps in the tutorial ('Download and untar installation bash script' and 'To install Minecraft Client').

After installing everything, I would recommended you update the LWJGL files using the link and instructions found at (essentially what Minecraft uses for graphics, sound, and input). This update should prevent some common issues that bugged me (i.e., sound cutting out while running the game). CAUTION: be sure to back up the files you're updating with the new LWJGL files, just in case.