Quickbooks 2015 For Mac Problems

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Thanks for posting. QuickBooks uses the system date format from your Mac system preferences. The first thing we can do is quit QuickBooks, go into your System Preferences and change (toggle) the date format to MM/DD/YY from DD/MM/YY, then exit out of system preferences and launch QuickBooks. Does that date format work? If it does, quit QuickBooks again and go back to system preferences.

Dec 10, 2018 - I need to update to Quickbooks for MAC 2015 but before I do I need. I'm sorry to hear that you're encountering problems using QBMac 2015. Intuit did release an update for QB Mac 2015 so it will run in Sierra, but, since a non-updated 2015 copy won't launch in Sierra, you have to update the app before upgrading to Sierra. The quickest solution would be to copy the main QB app to a Mac running El Capitan or Yosemite and update it there.

Set the date back to the original one and relaunch QuickBooks and see if it still works. Please let me know how it goes. Thanks a lot. Thanks for posting. QuickBooks uses the system date format from your Mac system preferences. The first thing we can do is quit QuickBooks, go into your System Preferences and change (toggle) the date format to MM/DD/YY from DD/MM/YY, then exit out of system preferences and launch QuickBooks.

Newest operating system for mac computers. Does that date format work? If it does, quit QuickBooks again and go back to system preferences. Set the date back to the original one and relaunch QuickBooks and see if it still works. Please let me know how it goes. Thanks a lot.

I am running Mac OSX 10.11.16 and quickbooks mac V17.1.13 R14 and the dates seem to have a mind of their own. I live in Costa Rica so I have region set to Costa Rica, and all the date formats, both short and long, set to DD/MM/YY (which is correct in CR) and in quickbooks sometimes I can write it that way and it will register correctly, then again sometimes I have to write MM/DD/YY in order for it to register correctly.

On the invoices on the screen it will sometimes state MM/DD/YY and print it DD/MM/YY (which is what I want). Right now when I try to register a check from Feb 13 I write it 13/02/17 or 02/13/17 and either way it will change it to 02/10/17. Absolutely no sense,, it cant be defaulting to todays date because today is the 17! Very annoying. Esp since it varies,, if it would be constant a person could learn to work with it. And the computer settings are not changing.

It's only QB. Andy, in my case I finally discovered that if I reset to the default date settings on my Mac (Settings>Language and Region>Advanced>Date>'Restore Defaults') and relaunch Quickbooks, it will let me register past transactions, but I am forced to write the date: MM/DD/YY (which is the default on my mac) in order for it to register correctly. Any time I have a custom date format it will only allow todays date. Its a very frustrating problem as I have to be switching date formats any time I need to print an invoice. The other day I spent about two hours on the phone with a QB rep with remote access and he wasn't able to figure it out either. Supposedly a problem that the developers have to fix.

Who knows when though. We are working on the custom date issues. Its tricky as the custom dates differ in behavior on different versions of the OS (among other things). But we are working on it. I think Andy's issue is different though.

There is a preference for 'use current date' - I think under transactions in the QuickBooks->Preferences (or maybe data entry?) You can search in the search field in the preferences screen and that may help you find it. Anyway - sound like you want the 'user current date' preference off. Thanks to both for your comments. I had 'use current date' unchecked in 'transactions', and was using the default date settings in the Mac OS Preferences.

What I have in my Quickbooks register is two date formats: MM-DD-YY and YY-MM-DD - I don't care which as long as they are consistent and stay as entered. When I try to enter a past date on a new entry it switches to today's date as soon as I move to the next field. That's why I stayed with QB2012, the dates stayed as entered, but now with Sierra I've been forced to upgrade to QB2016. This will make preparing my General Ledger and time-dependent entries a total mess. I am not a happy camper and considering switching to another accounting program -- UGH! In the Finder, hold down the option key and click on Go. Select Library from the list.

Quickbooks 2015 For Mac Problems

When the library window opens, click on Preferences. The preference file is named com.intuit.quickbooks2016.plist. You can drag it to the trash. You may have to re-register. I think the problem may be the OS System date preferences cache. Try quitting quickbooks. Then open the OS System Preferences.