Page Up And Page Down On Mac For Windows

Page Up And Page Down On Mac For Windows 3,8/5 4869 reviews

In case you are using a Windows keyboard on your Mac Mini, you can easily go Page up or Page down by using the Page up and Page Down keys on your Windows keyboard. You can also use the Windows + Up Arrow key combination to go Page Up and Windows + Down Arrow Key combination to go Page Down. In cases when the document is shorter than one screenful, Page Up and Page Down often have no visible effect at all. Operating systems differ as to whether the keys (pressed without modifier) just move the view – e.g. In Mac OS X – or also the input caret – e.g. In Microsoft Windows.


Updated for Mac OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.2. In order to get page up and page down to work properly under Mac OSX Terminal, as well as the home and end of line (EoL), you need to go to Preferences and then Keyboard and configure the right escape key sequences.

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(Note for laptop users: you don't have the page up/down and home/EoL keys, but you can simulate them by holding the 'fn' key and pressing on an arrow key. So these configurations also apply to you.) In the Terminal Preferences, go to the Keyboard pane and watch the the keys named 'page up', 'page down', 'home' and 'end'. You will see they already exist but are configured to scroll the buffer rather than sending commands to the server you're connected to.

In order to change this, double click on each of the relevant lines and select Action: 'Send string to shell:' You then need to enter the correct string to send to the shell. This is a multiple key sequence starting with the escape character (which is represented with it's octal code 033). Here are strings you can use for each key: As of OSX 10.6.8, the correct fix is: Key Recommended Escape Sequence Other possible sequences you can try if the recommended doesn't work for you Home 033OH 033[1~ 033[H 001 End 033OF 033[4~ 033[F 005 Page Up 033[5~ Page Down 033[6~ You can either type these strings on your keyboard (start by presseing Esc) or you can just copy paste the strings from above. It is worth noting that some of these are already bound to Shift-Page Up, Shift-Page Down, Shift-Home and Shift-End (which are obtained with Shift-Fn-Up/Down/Left/Right on a laptop keyboard). So if you can change your habits slightly you don't actually need to reconfigure anything. Also note that some people (including Apple) recommend to use 033[H for Home but this doesn't actually work in vi or vim.

This is why I recommend using 033OH which has worked in any shell or editor for me so far (Mac terminal, Debian terminal, vim, etc.) If the recommended sequences don't work for you: please try the alternative suggested here. Also please let us know with which shell or editor you are trying to make them work and which escape sequences work best for you. This way we can order them in order of popularity and possibly give specific advice for specific environments to future visitors of this page. Thank you for your feedback.

Alternatively, if this has problems, or is bash specific (doesn’t work in tcsh) you can try this alternative solution: Terminal->Preferences->[Settings]->[Keyboard]: Find end, home, pg up, and pg down (the list is alphabetically sorted). First double click ‘end’ and a prompt comes up that lets you remap the key, for ‘Action’ select ’send string to shell:’ and then click on the entry field. Press ‘Esc’ which emits ‘ 033′ then type ‘[4~’ after it, so the text field should now show: “ 033[4~'. Now you should be able to remap the other keys if you know the key codes, by pressing ‘Esc’ to emit 033.

The codes for each of the keys are: end 033[4~ home 033[1~ page down 033[6~ page up 033[5~ You will want to add ‘Shift-pgdwn/pgup’ to ask the buffer to scroll up and down. Do this by clicking ‘+’ and adding ‘pg down’ with the ‘Shift’ modifier and then select ’scroll to next page in buffer’, and do the opposite for pg up.

I believe this is the optimal fix. Norman’s comment with the OH/OF sequences finally worked for me on: Mac OSX 10.6.2 17″ Macbook Pro (built-in keyboard) Also works via Synergy client (on Mac), connected to [Ubuntu] Linux (running server) w/Microsoft Natural Keyboard Pro Everything works about right.except in terminal, where the command[/alt] and ctrl keys are flipped – I flipped them in the mac preferences so that ctrl+x/c/v would work without a bizarre reach, and now I have to “alt+c” running commands to kill them. Because I do most my terminal work on Linux, this is [barely] acceptable, but any insight on how to have the best of both worlds would be appreciated – i.e.: ctrl+c/copy in email and ctrl+c/cancel in terminal. Regards, -the donco - Blog.

Take Control. LiveCloud is a Social Strata Venture. If you find that this does not work on your command-line, keep in mind that your shell may just not know what to do with those command, but all those key sequences work pretty well in VIM editor. For you to tell your shell how to interpret them, you either need to create a matching custom termcap entry, or use an existing one with a lot of matching capability.