Ms Word Viewer For Mac

Ms Word Viewer For Mac 4,4/5 35 reviews

Microsoft Word Viewer is a discontinued freeware program for Microsoft Windows that can. Viewer 97-2000 was released on 17 March 1999. It opens documents that are created with Word 97, Word 2000 and Word for Mac v4.x and later. Even if you don't have Word installed, you can still view and print Word documents. Or install the Word mobile app on your phone or tablet. Microsoft Store.

Google is porting one of the Chrome operating system's most features to its implementations of Chrome for Windows and Mac: the capability to right in your browser. Similar to the way you can view PDFs in Chrome, Google is offering a beta version of an extension called Chrome Office Viewer to read Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files without downloading them to your computer. The new Chrome feature adds security. Chrome Office Viewer sandboxes documents from the rest of your PC, Google says, preventing execution of any malicious code embedded in a document.

Flash media live encoder for mac. Chrome Office Viewer is now in beta test and requires Chrome beta v.27 or later, as well as from the Chrome Web Store. What it is and what it isn’t With Chrome Office Viewer installed, you still view documents from Gmail in Google Drive's document viewer. Even before Chrome Office Viewer appeared, you could check out Office documents inside Chrome under certain circumstances. If you received a document in Gmail, for example, you could click the “View” link in your Gmail message to open the document in the Google Drive document viewer. From there, you could read your Office document, download it to your PC, or import it into Google Drive. Microsoft offers a similar feature with and SkyDrive. With Chrome Office Viewer installed, any document you open from Gmail will appear in the Google Drive document viewer, as always.


What’s different now is that when you find Office documents online—either through a Web search or a link on a Web page—you can view them in Chrome. You will only be able to view documents, however, as Chrome Office Viewer does not include any editing capabilities. For anyone who doesn’t run Office or a free alternative such as Libre Office on a PC, the benefit of being able to view documents inside your browser are obvious. Chrome Office Viewer's sandboxing feature also reduces the chances of infection if you find an Office document loaded with malware. Since Office 2010, Microsoft has included a similar feature called 'Protected View' that opens downloaded documents on the desktop in read-only mode. This feature, like Google’s sandboxing, is meant to reduce the chance of a malicious attack. Google's browser extension, however, displays the document much faster than Microsoft's Office apps.

With Chrome already running, you don’t have to wait for the program to start up as you would with Office. How Chrome Office Viewer works Overall, Google’s Chrome Office Viewer beta works pretty well with basic documents in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint formats including DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, PPT, and PPTX. The viewing area looks very much like Chrome's PDF viewer including the pop-up menu with zoom, save, and print controls when you mouse over the bottom right corner of the screen. The view changes slightly depending on the type of document you're viewing: PowerPoint decks have a left-hand navigation column for opening specific slides, while Excel documents include cell and row numbers. The Word viewer simply displays the document on a page centered in the middle of the screen. Chrome Office Viewer had problems displaying superscript.