Mac Os Sierra Backup And Reformat For Sale

Mac Os Sierra Backup And Reformat For Sale 3,5/5 6196 reviews

Nov 13, 2018 - ccc5. Note: This will erase all data on your backup disk!!! MacOS 10.13 High Sierra and later; OS X 10.11 El Capitan and macOS 10.12 Sierra; OS X 10.10 Yosemite. If you're erasing an APFS-formatted volume that has (or had) an installation of macOS. Help Buy Now Upgrade to 5 About Us. Once the clean installation of macOS Sierra is up and running on your Mac, you can either restore your data from a Time Machine backup using Migration Assistant (found in Applications/Utilities.

After, follow these steps to install macOS: • Choose Reinstall macOS (or Reinstall OS X) from the Utilities window. • Click Continue, then follow the onscreen instructions to choose your disk and begin installation.

Can you switch back and forth between quickbooks for mac and pc. If the installer asks to unlock your disk, enter the password you use to log in to your Mac. If it doesn't see your disk, or it says that it can't install on your computer or volume, you might need to. • Please allow installation to complete without putting your Mac to sleep or closing its lid. Is office for mac 2011 compatible with sierra windows 10. During installation, your Mac might restart and show a progress bar several times, and the screen might be empty for minutes at a time.

If your Mac restarts to a setup assistant, but you're selling or giving it away, press Command-Q to quit the assistant without completing setup. Then click Shut Down.

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When the new owner starts up the Mac, they can use their own information to complete setup.