How To Page Setup In Powerpoint For Mac

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Office for Mac 2016: PowerPoint scale in page setup Hello, this questions is regarding PowerPoint in Office for Mac 2016. When I go to Page Setup -> Options.->Scale and enter a value greater that 100%, the slides do not scale up in the Print Preview or when they are actually printed. Click Page Setup. In the Orientation section of Page Setup dialog box, across from Slides, click the Portrait orientation. As an alternative, you can select custom dimensions in the Size section, making the height greater than the width.

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Does anyone know how to make PDFs in PowerPoint for Mac 2016 that contain 2 or 4 enlarged slides which take up more of the page? In PowerPoint for Mac 2011, I was able to go into Page Setup and adjust the scale to 125% so that slides appeared larger in 2-up PDFs. So I could make a page look like this (125% scale): Instead of this (100% scale): In PowerPoint for Mac 2016, I cannot for the life of me figure out how to do this. Can anyone advise? Googling, I've seen some advice to create single slide PDFs in PPTX and then create the 2-up pages through the print function in Adobe.

Adobe Pro DC is not permitting me to do this, however. Thank you for any ideas with current (2016) software for macs!