Excel Mac Asks For Email

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Mail from Excel with Outlook (Windows) Outlook object model (attachment) Mail the whole workbook. Mail one sheet. Mail more then one sheet. Mail Range or Selection. Mail every worksheet with address in A1. Mail a different file(s) to each person in a range. Mail chart or chart sheet as picture. Mail a row or rows to each person in a range. Jan 15, 2017 - Instead of entering your actual Microsoft account email address. If you do prefer Apple's apps, using the other Office applications—Word, Excel. Requires to access the email through an email client exceed the info that.

Mail is connecting to your email service provider, but it can't connect your email account because your email provider isn't accepting your email password. Your email provider may reject your password for several reasons, including: • You're not using your current email password. If you updated the password on another device, make sure that you're using the same password on this device. • Your email provider needs you to update or reset your password for security reasons.

For example, if you turned on, your Gmail account in Mail now requires the appropriate. • Your email provider deactivated or suspended your account. Contact your email provider for help.

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My issue got fixed using the below procedure thanks for Richard. Regards, Prashanth Please try make sure you have data back. If you want to try something that has worked for me and someone else I'll share this with you. Just please understand that all of your preferences for Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook will be removed and you will have to reset them. Before starting the process you must quit all Office applications, including Outlook, Excel, Word and PowerPoint. And remember 'closing' is not 'quitting' on a Mac.

If you are unsure about whether an Office application is still running it would be best if you restarted your computer. You will also need to know your sign in ID for your Microsoft Office account if you obtained it via an Office365 subscription. When you are ready, go to this location and move to the trash the MicrosoftRegistrationDB.reg file that is located there. This is a locked file so you will need to confirm your request to delete it.

/Users//Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office Now restart Word and when it opens it will display the document gallery page and you will notice that you are not signed in. You should go ahead and do that with your Microsoft Office sign-in ID. Your recent list will probably be empty but go ahead and start a new document and save it. Quit Word and reopen it and then check the Recent List. Hopefully it will have repopulated with at least some of your previous files and also hopefully it will continue to do so.

Please let us know if this helps. ________________________________ Richard V.

Michaels Author of productivity add-ins for Mac-Office and Win-Office.