Configure Ps3 Controller For Steam Mac

Configure Ps3 Controller For Steam Mac 4,3/5 8997 reviews

I use my PS3 controller on my macbook and it just works for most games. Of course you'll have to translate the 360 buttons to PS3 buttons whilst playing, but that isn't really a problem. Off the top of my head, games like Dust: An Elysian Tale, Bastion, Guacamalee, Trine 2 and Rogue Legacy work straight up.

For games that don't support it at all, you'll find a workaround on any app that lets you translate PS3 controller inputs into keyboard inputs. So just configure 'x' on the d-pad to whatever key is jump on the game, for example.

Hi everyone,I'm looking to use my PS3 controller on my iMac for STEAM. So just configure 'x' on the d-pad to whatever key is jump on the game, for example. Make sure that the controller is charged and then connect it to your Mac via the supplied wireless USB dongle. It won't appear on your desktop as an icon - just go ahead and download USB Overdrive and take it from there. The application is pretty easy to use (just takes a few minutes to set up but then you're ready to go).

I used one but it has been a while so I don't really remember the name to recommend you. I use my PS3 controller on my macbook and it just works for most games.

Of course you'll have to translate the 360 buttons to PS3 buttons whilst playing, but that isn't really a problem. Off the top of my head, games like Dust: An Elysian Tale, Bastion, Guacamalee, Trine 2 and Rogue Legacy work straight up.

For games that don't support it at all, you'll find a workaround on any app that lets you translate PS3 controller inputs into keyboard inputs. So just configure 'x' on the d-pad to whatever key is jump on the game, for example. I used one but it has been a while so I don't really remember the name to recommend you. How did you connect your PS3 to the macbook? Just by the USB cable and it works, or do you need to download and install 3rd party drivers?

Ok I have another update. I managed to get the triggers working for shooting portals so the controller functions perfectly in the game. There is still one problem though. When I quit the game and unpair the controller from my Macbook the mouse starts acting very strange. It shoots into the top left corner and refuses to budge. When I try to move it out it just goes straight back. When I pair the controller back again then the cursor returns to normal.

If I restart then everything is fine again. It only happens after I have paired the controller and then unpair it. Ok I have another update.

I managed to get the triggers working for shooting portals so the controller functions perfectly in the game. There is still one problem though. When I quit the game and unpair the controller from my Macbook the mouse starts acting very strange. It shoots into the top left corner and refuses to budge. When I try to move it out it just goes straight back.

When I pair the controller back again then the cursor returns to normal. If I restart then everything is fine again. It only happens after I have paired the controller and then unpair it. If your using a system that can use a keyboard an mouse to play a First Person (shooter/Platform or puzzle) game and your using a controller, your doing it wrong. Keyboard and mouse = precesion movements, faster response and perfect aim. Mac video game controller. Controller - slow response, slow movements and wobbly aim.

Microsoft proved this to be true which is why they abandond cross platform gaming in xbox live (when tested novice gamers could beat, by a large margine, some of the TOP PRO console gamers by using a keyboard an mouse on an otherwise identical game) Using a controller to play a FPS game is like using diving boots to run the 100 meteres, its just uneseccasrly crippling your self no good reason. For games like Batman Arkham city/asylum, Infamous, Lego Starwars or whatever, controllers are supurb, as the games are desgined for the best use of them, but a 1st person shooter, you CAN NOT beat a keayboard an mouse. I played portal on the PS3 (quite a while after i finished the PC version) and found it unplayably slow and unresponive, kudos to anyone who has finished it using a controler, your patience and desire to replay sections over and over again becuase you cant quite spin fast enough to place a portal before you lose line of sight must be heroicly high. /rant over lol but, honestly, just use what you prefer, i play on controller a lot, love my PS3 controller, bought one just to hook up to the mac to play some games like the lego starwars/batman/indiana jones series, ended up with an Xbox pad though because a lot of the PC games seem to support that nativly (darksiders, overlord I and II for example).